Club Events
GMCCA -The 43rd all GM Car/Truck Show & Swap Meet will take place on Sunday,June 1, 2025 at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds. This event is sponsored by the General Motors Car Clubs Association (GMCCA) in which SCM participates. SCM’s duties include parking the swap vendors.
All GMCCA clubs share in the proceeds of the event.
Many thanks to all the SCM members who have worked the event in the past, and to those who’ve attended.
We look forward to your participation in 2025…
Please visit:
GMCCA for details
or contact Eric Kehle at
The Spring Cruise is the club’s kick-off event for the Corvette cruising season.
The 2025 cruise is scheduled for April 26, 2025
Details on the Club Calendar for this event
2024 flyer:
The Brainerd Drivers School and Lapping Days is held in mid-June and again in mid-September, sponsored by SCM, and attracts cars and drivers from all over the state. It is open to all vehicles and drivers that wish to improve their driving skills and get to know the capabilities of their cars on a track. 2025 Events will be held on Monday, June 16 and September 15 Registration for these events can be found at BIR
Read recaps of past events:
Spring Driving School 2021
CORVETTE Summer Cruise Summer cruise with good roads, good food, good times!!
A one-day event will be held in late July.
Read recap of inaugural event:
CORVETTE Summer 22
The Firecracker Cruise is held each year the weekend before July 4th.
Read recaps of past events:
Firecracker Cruise 2021
Lunch & Show – The Suburban Corvettes 2019 Lunch and Show had beautiful weather this year. We first had a very nice lunch served to us at the Outback Steak House in Coon Rapids. We then traveled to the Park River Estates Care Center for the show and ice cream social.
Plastic Fantastic, our first car show of the season is an “all Corvettes” show open to all Corvette owners and spectators throughout Minnesota and Wisconsin. Trophies are awarded by class, along with a best-of-show award.
Spina Bifida Picnic is held in mid-September each year in conjunction with our primary funding beneficiary, Spina Bifida of Minnesota. It includes lunch, hosted by Spina Bifida, followed by our Club members giving rides to children and their families. The event is held at a regional park in New Brighton. It gives us the chance to share our wheels with those that live on them.
Fall Color Run
The Suburban Corvettes of Minnesota Fall Color Run is a celebration of Fall and Corvettes, with good food, great cars and the scenery of Southwestern Wisconsin, Minnesota and even Iowa. This years Fall Color Run is scheduled for October 11 – 13, 2024.
Find the 2023 FCR Recap HERE: FCR_23 Recap
Find the 2022 FCR Recap HERE: FCR_22 Recap
Find the 2021 FCR Recap HERE: FCR_21 Recap
The Autumn Cruise is held in September.
Watch for event in the Club Calendar
Hamburger, Fries, and Catch-up is held the first Saturday of each month, hosted by a different SCM member each month, and is usually held at a different location chosen by the hosting person or couple. We meet throughout the year, which gives members, prospective members, and guests an opportunity to discuss Corvettes, current events, vacations, and any other topics they are comfortable with. Locations are posted on our website.
The Drive your Chevy to the Levee cruise has good roads, good food, good times.
A one-day event event was held on July 11, 2020.
Hoping for a weekend event in 2022.
Cars Under the Stars will be on August 7th and is open to all Corvettes, Street Rods, Classic, and Custom Cars that members or non-members wish to show. Awards are given out by class, along with a Best of Show.